Should You Change the Locks Once You Move Into a New House?


So you just moved into a new house with your family. Your realtor hands you the keys to the property and tells you “welcome home”. You go online to look for ideas on what to do after moving into a new home and you get suggestions about changing the locks immediately. Should you change your locks after moving into a new house? As a reliable locksmith Marana residents love and trust, we have answers for you.

For your peace of mind

Your peace of mind is very important. If you need to change the locks of the home you have just moved into so that you can achieve peace of mind then do it. If changing the locks will help you sleep better at night or enable you to leave your family behind and not have to worry about them then you should most certainly get your locksmith to do it.

Better locks equal better security

You might move into a home that has okay locks and an okay alarm system. You could stay with that. But why not upgrade and get even better security?

 Some reasons to upgrade in such a situation include:

  • Maybe you have had past experiences that caution you to take security more seriously.
  • Maybe it’s due to the nature of the work you do.

 Is replacing the keys to my house worth it? Better security for your home and property is always a good investment. Go for it and have the best locksmiths do it so that the installations are carried out properly.

keys in door

It’s your sole prerogative

Still racking your brain about whether it’s worth changing your locks or not, whether it’s necessary? Well, it being your property makes it your sole prerogative whether to remain with the old locks or go for new installations. Whatever decision you make, you hold the responsibility (and consequences). As long as you feel that you have made a responsible decision that you can live with, then that’s that. Trust your judgement from that point on.

Of course, it would be a wise idea to consult a locksmith if you are conflicted. A good locksmith can carry out an assessment and advice you based on the security concerns of the area. They might also advise you to opt for a lock rekey service so that you don’t have to change the looks or spend too much money. Is it cheaper to rekey or replace locks? Yes, rekeying is cheaper.

It’s not really a must that you change your locks

Lots of people move into new homes and don’t change their locks. And they end up fine. Now this not to say that what the masses choose to do is the right thing. Sometimes, it is not. However, it does tell you that you do not necessarily have to get new locks. If your home is in a safe neighborhood, belonged to responsible people, or the realtor already changed the locks, then there might be no need to spend lots of money rekeying the locks or replacing them.

Do you need a locksmith in Oro Valley, AZ? Just moved into the area? Talk to us about your security needs. We offer the best residential, auto, and commercial locksmith services in northern Tucson.