Get A Duplicate Transponder Key For Your Vehicle And Save Yourself A Lot Of Inconvenience
It is easy for drivers to take their car keys for granted. After all, they are always there when you need them, right? No, that is not always the case. Just like anything else, you can lose track of your keys or find yourself in other situations that bring you a lot of inconvenience. That is why as your locksmith Oro Valley expert, we urge you to get a copy of your transponder key. Can you copy a transponder key? Yes it can be done. Read on to see why this is important.
Get a back-up key for those unexpected lock-outs
Car lockouts are common. We know because we deal with them all the time. Have you locked yourself out of the car? Well, it can happen, and at the most inconvenient of times. Like when you are at the gas station, when on a road trip, or when leaving work for home. While we can help you with your car lockout problem in Oro Valley, we advise that you get a duplicate transponder key which will save you time, money, and panic.
How much does it cost to replace a transponder key? The costs range at about $100 -150 but it depends on the exact situation and vehicle in question.
Have an extra key to give out when lending your car out
Every car owner has to lend out their vehicle from time to time. It could be to your co-worker who didn’t bring theirs that day, it could be your spouse whose car is at the shop, it could be your kids, or it could be your friend or neighbor. When you have a duplicate key for the vehicle, you can give out the extra key so that should something happen, you still have a way to access your vehicle regardless.
Keep your original key for when you leave your car at the garage
Have to leave your car at the garage and the keys too? We bet you don’t feel so good about leaving your cherished vehicle to other people and remaining with no means to access it. When you have a second transponder key, you can feel safe and still in possession of your vehicle because you have a key with you. And you never know whether it might come in handy.